The PhotoKenosha Group Constitution

Article I: Name

Section 1 The name of this organization shall be The PhotoKenosha Group

Article II : Objective

Section 1 The aim of The PhotoKenosha Group shall be to provide members with an opportunity to improve their Photographic skill and knowledge and share what they have learned with people who have the same interest and to promote the art and science of photography.

Article III : Membership

Section 1 Any person interested in photography may apply for active membership as provided in the By-Laws.

Article IV: Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1 The officers of this club shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected or appointed as hereinafter provided. The duties of these officers shall be as provided in the By-Laws.

Section 2 The management of the Club shall be directed by the Board of Directors composed of the elected Officers, the Chairpersons of Standing Committees. One member nominated and voted upon by the members, for every 25 members of general membership.

Article V: Election of Officers and Terms of Office

Section 1 Nominations shall be made during the regular scheduled meeting during the month of November. Nominations shall come from the floor. Members in good standing for at least six months may run for an office. All members interested in running for office must be present at or submit a letter of intent by the November meeting. Nominations must be made available to all current members in good standing no later than the last day of November.

Section 2 The election of officers shall take place at the regular scheduled meeting in December of each year. The election will be determined by a majority vote by all members present at the election meeting. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected and shall serve until their successor is installed.

Section 3 Officers elect will be installed at the January Award Banquet, by the outgoing President. The elected officials shall remain in office for a two (2) year term. Officers may retain their position for no more than 2 consecutive terms. You may hold another office and then be reelected after vacating office for at least one term.

Article VI: Vacancies

Section 1 In the event of absence, resignation, incapacity, death, or removal of the President, that office shall be taken over for the unexpired term by the Vice-President. If for any reason the Vice-President is unable to take over the office, the Secretary shall assume the Presidency for the unexpired term, and shall appoint a Secretary in his place. The appointment shall be ratified by the Board of Directors as provided in Section 2 herein.

Section 2 If any office, except that of the President, shall become vacant for any reason, it shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the President, or by his successor, and ratified by a majority affirmative vote of the Board of Directors.

Article VII: Meetings

Section 1 Regular meetings of the club shall be held as provided in the By-Laws.

Section 2 Other meetings may be held as specified in the By-Laws.

Section 3 All Board meetings of the club shall be conducted in accordance with "Roberts Rules of Order Revised"

Article VIII: Fiscal Year

Section 1 The fiscal year of the club shall be January 1 thru December 31.

Article IX: Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1 The proposed revocation, addition, or amendment may be initiated by a majority affirmative vote of the  Board of Directors, or by not less than seven members in good standing. It must be presented in writing duly signed by said directors or members at a business meeting of the club. It shall then be discussed and tabled until the next business meeting, when it shall be voted upon by written ballot. To be adopted, it must be passed by a majority of the qualified members present.

Article X: By-Laws

Section 1 By-Laws may be enacted, amended, or revoked by a majority vote of the members present at a regular or a special business meeting. Proposals to enact, amend, or revoke the by-laws may be made by a majority affirmative vote of the Board of Directors, or by letter signed by at least five members. The newly proposed By-Laws, amendments or revocations shall be voted on at the next business meeting. To be adopted, it must be passed by a majority of the members present.

Section 2 All By-Laws shall be binding to the same degree as the provisions of the Constitution.


Article I: Membership

Section 1 Club membership is open to all individuals interested in photography. Membership is achieved by completing a membership form, available from the secretary or the club website, and remitting payment for membership dues. Membership dues are prorated as set forth in Article Il, of the By-Laws. Membership shall be considered active upon receipt of the completed application and applicable dues.

Section 2 Any member whose dues are in arrears two months shall be suspended from membership and notified in writing by the secretary.

Section 3 There will be two types of membership. Guest membership and Paid membership.

Section 4 Paid Membership includes: A. ID Card

B.     Storage space to display images on group's gallery website.

C.     Voting rights. D. Competitions.

E.       Use of the group's library titles.

F.       Ability to display and sell your work at group sponsored events. G. Ability to attend all group outings, meetings, classes and workshops.

H. Ability to become an officer of the group.

l. Use of the group's web forums.

Section 5 Guest Membership includes:

A.     Two months participation in group events and outings.

B.     Voting rights in photo competitions.

Section 6 Group Founder Chad Davis shall have lifetime membership, due free, in the group.

Article I I : Dues

Section 1 Dues for all member's are payable at the beginning of the fiscal year, shall be decided by the Board of Directors and voted upon at a Board meeting. A majority vote by the Board of Directors present is required for approval. Dues pricing, shall be reviewed annually by the board.

Section 2 New members shall pay a pro-rated fee after the regular April meeting.

Section 3 Individual Membership and Family Membership dues are in the amounts as approved by the board.

Article III: Nominations for Election of Officers

Section 1 Nominations shall be made during the regular scheduled meeting during the month of November. Nominations shall come from the floor.

Section 2 Nominations must be made available to all current members in good standing no later than the last day of November.

Article IV: Election and Installation of Officers

Section 1

A. All members shall be notified of the nominations, in advance of the coming election.

B. Elections shall be held at the regular December meeting.

C. Election to office shall be by majority vote of the members present.

D. A tie shall be broken by a second ballot.

Section 2 Incumbency of one office shall not render anyone ineligible for nomination and election to another; but no member may hold two elective offices at the same time.

Section 3 The newly elected officers shall be installed at the January Award Banquet by the retiring president or an appointed representative of the group.

Article V - Duties of Officers

Section 1 The elected officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Their basic duties are as follows:

A. President: To preside at all regular and special meetings of the club; to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors presiding at its meetings; to administer the affairs of the club with the assistance of the Board; to make all Standing and Special committee appointments; to act as ex officio member of all committees; to act as Club spokesperson and to generally supervise and keep in touch with all Club Activities. The president does have the right to vote in all club business. B. Vice President: To assume duties of the President in the President's absence and assist the President as necessary to keep the Club functioning smoothly.

C.      Secretary: To transcribe and keep records of the minutes of all meetings of the Club; to notify the Board of Directors of meetings; to post monthly meeting minutes before the following month's regular meeting for review by membership; to prepare ballots for the election; with the Treasurer the Secretary shall be responsible for compliance with all state and local laws affecting the affairs of the Club.

D.      Treasurer: To maintain all financial records for the Club; to provide detailed records of Club income and expenses; to deposit all income received into the appropriate Club bank account on regular basis; to provide the Board of Directors and general membership with a monthly financial statement, a bank account reconciliation, copies of the most recent bank statement and copies of any deposits made since the most recent bank statement.

E.       Any elected officer, who has 3 unexcused absences over the term of their office, shall be removed from office immediately. This includes but is not limited to regular, special and board meetings. The definition of unexcused shall be decided by the board of directors.

F.       Any officer who does not hold up his offices duties can be removed from office by a nomination of the Board of Directors, and majority vote of members present at any official club meeting.

Article VI: Duties of the Directors

Section 1 The Board of Directors are the legal representatives of the club and as such, in conformity with law, may conduct any club business and shall have, hold, and administer all the property and funds thereof in trust for its use. Board meetings shall be held at the call of the president or any three directors. The officers are ex-officio directors with the president serving as the Chairmen of the Board. In his absence the vice-president shall act as Chairman of the Board.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1 Standing Committees: Committees shall consist of no less than two members. Club president is exofficio on all committees.

A.     Activities Committee: The activities committee shall make arrangements for photo walks, excursions, field trips, etc. At least one photo walk shall be scheduled each month.

B.     Membership/Welcome Committee: The membership committee considers ways and means of increasing the club's membership and, with the approval of the officers, instigates and directs any campaigns for that purpose. This committee shall also welcome all new members and monitor member activity, and contact members periodically.

C.     Photo of the Month Committee: The Photo of the Month committee shall determine all POTM topics and monitor the rules and points standings as set forth by the POTM rules.

D.     Education Committee: The Education Committee shall be responsible for increasing the group's knowledge of photography by holding classes and/or bringing in an expert on the decided topic.

E.      Audit Committee: The audit committee shall audit the books at least once a year, and have the right to take the clubs books for review, without prior notice.

F.      Display Committee: The display committee shall be responsible for installing and maintaining  all group displays. This includes hanging, cleaning, pricing, and any other duties as needed.

G.     IT Committee: The IT committee shall maintain the club's website, web presence, and provide support for other digital needs the club may have.

H.     Library Committee: The librarian(s) maintain the club's collection of books owned. They shall check materials out to members and keep an updated inventory record. The librarian(s) is the liaison with publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Section 2 The following committees shall carry out their duties as designated by the committee title. The President or the Board of Directors can call a Special Committee as needed.

A. Editor of the Club Newsletter: The editor of the club newsletter is responsible for the newsletter and its content.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1 Regular meetings of the group shall have place, date and time stipulated by the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the group may be called by the President or the Board of Directors. If there is a need to change a scheduled meeting date, location, or time, there needs to be sufficient notice given to all members.

     Article   IX   Ethics

Section 1 A member of The PhotoKenosha Group shall act in accordance with all PKG policies. A member shall be honest in performing and reporting service to the Group. A member shall be ethical in making photographic images. Members not in compliance with this ethics statement will be subject to loss of PKG membership after review by the Board of Directors.

A.      Images submitted for competition shall originate as photographs by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the photographer certifies the work as his own.

B.      Any image accepted in a PKG recognized exhibition shall not be re — entered in the same format in the same section of the exhibition by using a different title or a like in camera duplication or a reproduction duplication.

C.      Any work submitted for possible publication in either electronic or paper form, including but not limited to the group's website, newsletter, members gallery, or any publication by the group shall be solely the work of the author, photographer.

D.      No member may use any other members work without written permission from that member.

Article X: Library Books

Section 1 Any member in good standing may use any Library book that the club maintains. The member also agrees to return the book in a timely manner, in as good of shape as it was borrowed in. The following rules will apply to all Group owned books.

A. Any member can use any group owned library book. B. Every book must be signed out and in by a group official. C. All materials must be returned within 90 days.

D.      Any material returned damaged will be replaced or repaired by the member responsible for the damages.

E.       Any member not returning materials within 90 days will receive an invoice for the full purchase price of the material in question. The member will have 30 days from that date to return the book or pay for replacement.

F.       Any member not returning or replacing any book will have their membership revoked until they do.